Welcome to your training in how to effectively use The 2:7 Series discipleship training material in your church.
This training program covers many areas of preparation, meetings, memorization, testimony writing and critiquing, encouraging group members, even optimal ways to set up the room to engage all your group participants.
We hope you’ll take the challenge and complete all of this training program. It will prepare you to effectively lead your own 2:7 Series group.
The 2:7 Online Training will equip you to effectively lead the 3 books of The 2:7 Series.

Our Curriculum
The value of learning together.
You may find it fun and valuable if you and from 1 to 3 of your friends choose to go through this training on your individual computers at the same time. As you each progress through the course you will find it stimulating to discuss various course content, ministry philosophy, and maybe you choose to review scripture memory verses together (perhaps have video chats). Of course, you don’t need to be in the same city, state or country. Often a church asks several prospective group leaders to take the training at the same time – for each person to prepare to lead or assist in a 2:7 group.